Posting from home gets workers fired
Social Networking has expanded the reach of employee/employer relations. Two workers at a BC car dealership were recently terminated for making abusive and defamatory comments about their boss on their Facebook pages while outside of work. noted that the employee’s boss caught wind of the comments through the extended networks of the Facebook friends […]
Canned for comment
Comments and Tweets can cost you your job. Yahoo news reported that a newspaper editor in Australia was recently fired for commenting on Facebook about an upcoming story. His error: posting that a local murder was going to boost newspaper sales, that death is good for business. Read the story here. This is the second […]
Facecreeping by employers soon to be illegal in Germany
The New York Times has reported that German lawmakers are about to make it illegal for employers to research job candidates using social networking sites. The move would add Facebook screening to an increasing list of ‘no-goes’ when it comes to unauthorized pre-employee screening. The move has been celebrated by Internet watch-dog sites, though the […]
Workers banned from using net
They knew it was bad, but not this bad. The BBC reported this week that the country Jordon has blocked access to over fifty websites on computers in government offices. The move came after government investigations showed that employee’s were spending more than three hours per day searching the web. Read the story here, and […]
How not to impress your boss
Information spreads fast in the social media era. So if you are going to show off your new top-secret prototype gadget like show and tell at elementary school, you might want to think twice about taking it to the local tavern. Apple’s, Gray Powell, found this out the hard way after losing his precious iPhone […]
Work and browse without getting caught
Anyone who has been busted surfing the net at work will surely find some value in this. While we don’t want to encourage any substandard work behavior at DT, a new program, Decreased Productivity, gives browsers the technology to stay one step ahead of an overzealous over-the-shoulder looking employer, and gives us an interesting cultural […]
Managing Your Online Professional Profile
Image source: UBC Digital Tattoo
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