Branding and Reputation
The Weakest Link(edIn): How I fixed my LinkedIn in a few simple steps
By samantha summers on October 2, 2019 | Tagged with branding, career, LinkedIn, professional networking, Work
I first created a LinkedIn account in 2012. Like many people with many social media accounts, I created it and then left it dormant for years. I would update it sporadically; perhaps changing a phrase or two, but never giving it the full-on rewrite it needed. I knew it was a bad representation of who […]
Book Review: So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed
By samantha summers on February 19, 2019 | Tagged with book review, callout culture, online harassment, Shame
So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed Jon Ronson (2015) Digital Tattoo Rating: 5/5 1 2 3 4 5 Leave it on the shelf Give it a skim An informative read Would give to a friend A must read!!! Summary Who hasn’t participated in a Twitter-based group-shaming? Who hasn’t retweeted a meme making fun of a celebrity […]
Ownership of Content in Your Digital Life – World Wide Web (Part 2)
By Jason Cheung on July 16, 2018 | Tagged with content ownership, copyleft, Data Ownership, GPL, intellectual property, joint intellectual work, shareware, web hosting
What Do You Own on Your Website? In our previous article, we took a look at the content ownership agreements that exist between social media users and the companies behind Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. In short, we learned that as part of the agreement to use their services, users agree to give these companies a […]
Ownership of Content in Your Digital Life – Social Media (Part 1)
By Jason Cheung on July 9, 2018 | Tagged with Content Licensing, Data Capitalism, Data Colonialism, Data for Services, Data Imperialism, Data Merchanting, Data Ownership, Data Payment, Social media, Terms of Service, Third Wave Capitalism, toffler, Value of Data
Snap, Click, Post, Like: the normal rhythm of a social media user, who uses popular social media/sharing sites to broadcast stories from their day-to-day lives to the world. Most users are content with their relationship with social sharing platforms, so long as the service is uninterrupted. Social sharing platforms allow users to share their lives, […]
Book Review: Managing the Digital You
By victoria mcauley on May 2, 2018 | Tagged with book review, clutter, Data, data detox, digital archiving, Digital Security, educational resource, file management, personal archiving
Managing the Digital You Melody Condron (2017) ________ Digital Tattoo Rating: 4/5 Summary I don’t know about you, but the number of files on my computer has gotten out of control. Every time I have to switch devices, or find a paper from last semester, I realize how poorly I’ve managed the data […]
Taking Control of your Data
By bryan short on January 5, 2017 | Tagged with Data, Digital Security, Online Safety
In light of my recent exploration of data collection, surveillance, and analysis with UBC’s Learning Management System, Blackboard Connect, I’ve felt empowered to take further control of the data that exists about me online. Below, I’ve identified two of the larger data mining companies, Google and Facebook, and what you can do retrieve, edit, and delete the […]
Stay sharp on social media: 10 LinkedIn Do’s and Don’t’s
By Jon Hernandez on January 20, 2016 | Tagged with
As the last members of the human race that will be able to remember video stores and landlines, millennials are also the first generation to have their entire adult lives recorded by social media. The Generation Y’ers are finally starting to cultivate their professional careers, and keeping up a positive presence and reputation online is the key to making […]
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