2 responses to “Does BeReal Curate Inauthentic “Authenticity”?”

  1. Kieran


    Is authenticity possible in any social context?

    I think of, for example, people in end-of-life care or people who find themselves alone and awaiting rescue, when the illusion of control has been taken from us and we are left humbled and vulnerable. In contexts like this, where ego is absent (or muted), the possibility of authenticity seems possible. In social situations, are we not always, to some degree, behaving as the context requires? How often do we read in the news that someone’s behavior was “out of character,” as if they had suddenly become less rather than more like themselves?
    Great post! Lots of food for thought.

    Some related reading:
    Moeller, H., & D’Ambrosio, P.J. (2021). You and your profile: Identity after authenticity. Columbia University Press.

    My scribble notes/highlights from the text might hold something of interest:

    1. Eden Solarik

      Thank you Kieran for this insight into authenticity! I find your comment about “out of character” behaviour especially fascinating — how do we truly know what is /in/ character for someone?

      Tangentially related — I often wonder if authenticity is ever possible when we are being viewed, or if everything is a sort of performance. Even if we are alone, Foucault’s panopticon theory would argue that we still behave as if we’re being watched when we’re alone (and social media is only increasing this phenomenon). So can one be authentic on BeReal? I think we would probably agree that this is not possible.

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