Have you noticed the Digital Tattoo website has a new look? Can you tell the difference?
Over the summer, we decided the Digital Tattoo website needed a new look. We wanted to make it easier to navigate and find the great resources and materials available on the site. This was the main goal of our website redevelopment project and informed our new look!
August 23rd was the soft launch of the new website – just before the start of the school year and to give us a chance to make necessary changes and iron out any kinks we missed.
The old site was structured around the themes: Protect, Connect, Learn, Work, and Publish. Under each theme were the relevant tutorials and quizzes. The new site is restructured so users can directly visit the blog, tutorials, quizzes and teaching resources with new themes of Privacy and Surveillance, Academic and Professional Life, Copyright and Open Access.
Open Access is an important part of Digital Tattoo and we are looking to highlight that more on the new site and subsequent resources.
Another big portion of our website redevelopment is connectivity! We’ve made it easier to link the different issues we work on and see the connections. At Digital Tattoo, we believe your digital identity is tied to your privacy, academic and professional life, digital security, and more. We have linked related pages and blogs to tutorials and vice versa putting more resources at the click of your button.
Our Process
We began the website redevelopment with some card sorting and rethinking the site. The goal of this was to come up with new architecture for the site and sort the tutorial page as well as to figure out where the existing pages will fall under the new architecture.
Our entire process is documented and openly available on the wiki.
We will continue working to make things better for our readers and are open 😉 to your thoughts and feedback on the new site.
You can provide feedback by commenting on the blog below, emailing us at digital.tattoo@ubc.ca, tweeting or DMing our handle @DTatUBC.
Happy Open Access Week from Digital Tattoo!
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