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Digital Piracy – Canadian Copyright Law: Fair Use and Fair Dealing in Canadian Law (Part 2)
By Jason Cheung on May 31, 2018 | Tagged with Canada, Content, content ownership, Copyright Act, copyright law, Creative Commons, fair dealing, fair use, legality, open access, Work Ownership
In the last part of our series, we looked at what Piracy was, and saw that it was dependent on the legal copyright protection of works within a country. Now let’s take a look at what Canadian law says about copyright and copyright protection. The Copyright Act of Canada, signed in 1921, establishes the […]
Social Media and Mental Health
By dominique rivera on May 30, 2018 | Tagged with Addiction, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Social media
In 2017 users spent approximately two hours a day on social media. Surprisingly, this amounts to five years and four months of a person’s life spent solely on social media [1] There have been connections made between mental health concerns and social media consumption throughout the years. What is triggering these links with mental […]
Technology companies are updating their privacy policies for their benefit, not yours
By bryan short on May 25, 2018 | Tagged with EU, GDPR, personal data, privacy, regulations, technology
You may have noticed that a lot of companies are updating their privacy policies. It’s not a coincidence. And these major corporations haven’t suddenly begun caring about the privacy of their users; in fact, many are still profiting from exploiting the information that they collect. These companies are updating their privacy policies to protect themselves. […]
Digital Piracy – What is the Definition of Piracy? (Part 1)
By Jason Cheung on May 24, 2018 | Tagged with authoritarianism, content ownership, copyright ethics, copyright infringement, information as a public good, legitimacy of information ownership, liberalism, libertarianism, media piracy, piracy
Piracy vs Copyright Infringement When we talk about piracy, there are two definitions that are commonly used. Piracy, in the traditional sense, refers to maritime piracy, or the plundering and theft of goods from ships and other vessels. While traditional piracy is still common today, contemporary conceptions of piracy are a little bit different. According […]
Guest Blog Post: The Up-Vote, Down-Vote Conundrum
By richi tam on May 21, 2018 | Tagged with
The Up-Vote, Down-Vote Conundrum Written by: Richi Tam “I only got 10 likes in the last 5 minutes. Do you think I should take it down?” Does this sound like someone you know? Your friend? Your colleague? Maybe even you…? Well if you must know, I was just quoting the Chainsmokers. However, I […]
Guest Blog Post: Connection
By henry st. clair on May 14, 2018 | Tagged with connection, convenience, convenience culture, disconnection, facebook, google, guest blog, internet
Connection Written By: Henry St. Clair There are strong parallels between the historic experience of television and the modern digital information environment. People have been staring at advertising saturated screens of one form or another for a rather long time. Yet while the TV of old might have courted a great deal of our […]
Article Review: The Tyranny of Convenience
By victoria mcauley on May 11, 2018 | Tagged with article review, convenience, convenience culture, net neutrality, tim wu
The Tyranny of Convenience Tim Wu (2018) ________ Digital Tattoo Rating: 3/5 Summary The name Tim Wu might sound familiar: Wu coined the term “net neutrality”, which we reported on in February. He is a professor of law at Columbia University, ran for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governorship of New York, and […]
#DeleteFacebook? An Investigation into the Cambridge Analytica Scandal Part 2
By elyse hill on May 10, 2018 | Tagged with Cambridge Analytica, Canada, data, data mining, facebook, personal data, privacy, security, Social media
As we learned in Part 1 of this series, Global Science Research (GSR), Facebook, and Cambridge Analytica have each been the subjects of recent controversy for their respective roles in mining data from over 50 million Facebook profiles. While we can investigate how each company contributed to this event, we must also examine our […]
#DeleteFacebook? An Investigation into the Cambridge Analytica Scandal Part 1
By elyse hill on May 3, 2018 | Tagged with Cambridge Analytica, data, data mining, facebook, personal data, privacy, security, Social media
On March 17, 2018, Cambridge Analytica came under fire and amassed international attention as news broke of the company’s role in harvesting data from over 50 million Facebook profiles [1]. While the unfolding story has outraged many, it has also presented numerous questions: how did this happen? How much trust are we putting in our […]
Book Review: Managing the Digital You
By victoria mcauley on May 2, 2018 | Tagged with book review, clutter, Data, data detox, digital archiving, educational resource, file management, personal archiving
Managing the Digital You Melody Condron (2017) ________ Digital Tattoo Rating: 4/5 Summary I don’t know about you, but the number of files on my computer has gotten out of control. Every time I have to switch devices, or find a paper from last semester, I realize how poorly I’ve managed the data […]
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