What your Grandparents can teach you about Twitter

Video Credit: Teamcoco.com

Twitter has been redefined  as a legitimate tool for communication within the last few years. John Stewart, once one of Twitters most outspoken enemies, currently has over a million followers. If these trends continue, it’s only a few years before our grandparents start hash tagging their latest book club book or Instagraming the buffet at breakfast.

Late night comedian Conan O’Brien portrayed this  dystopia  with comical look at the stereotype of the elderly using every tool available to  them to guilt their family.  The clip is one of a three part series about technology for seniors delivered with classic Conan dark humor. At first glance these clips make us chuckle while taking our lucky stars that Nana has yet to join our social networks. What if Grandma and Grandpa have lessons they could teach us about using social media? What can twitter newbies teach the veterans?

Each tweet should be written with an audience in mind. If it’s your friends in chem lab or your children rushing to your burning house, your tweets will be read. Keep in mind how each tweet (or any post on social media) adds to your digital identity. Think about your tweets before pressing send, chances are they’ll be read by people other than who you originally intended. Take a lesson from the seniors, tweet with intent!

Do you have any grandparents on social media? Has that changed how you interact with them on a daily basis?

One response to “What your Grandparents can teach you about Twitter”

  1. Who, What, umm identity? « Digital Literacy @ University of Worcester

    […] could not resist bringing you this video spoof of how your grandparents use the Internet. At first the video seems dreadful but real but as soon […]

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