Apparently, it’s not Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace that get most job candidates in trouble. According to Max Drucker, CEO of Social Intelligence, only about one-third of the incriminating web content comes from those platforms. Drucker’s company contracts with employers to scope out job candidates online and reports back any positive or negative info the company can legally use.
Rather it’s deep Web searches that reveal comments on blogs and posts on Tumblr, Yahoo user groups, e-commerce sites, bulletin boards and Craigslist, that get most people in trouble. Also photos and videos that people post – or find themselves tagged in – on Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Picasa, Yfrog and Photobucket.
“We also see flagrant displays of weapons. And we see a lot of illegal activity. Lots and lots of pictures of drug use,” Mr. Drucker is quoted as saying in a recent article in the New York Times.
Yet another reason to think before you ink.
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