data security
Guest Post & Quiz: Data Breach: Don’t Let it Get You!
By Rachael Bradshaw on August 10, 2021 | Tagged with cybercrime, cybertheft, data, Data, Data Collection, data security, Digital Security, Hacking, identity theft, Online Safety, password, pharming, Phishing, safety, security
Data Breach: Don’t Let it Get You! by Amruta Phansalker Check out the end of this post for a fun quiz to see if you can spot potential data breaches! We hear of data breach incidents often. But what are they exactly, and why should we worry about them? Did you know that your data […]
“The Social Dilemma”: An Aftermath of Change?
By Rachael Bradshaw on December 22, 2020 | Tagged with data security, facebook, Instagram, online privacy, Social media, Twitter
When “The Social Dilemma” came out on Netflix earlier this year, it created a tremendous reaction of shock and alarm from its viewers. Even some of the most avid social media users were stunned at the practices that tech companies were performing right under their noses, and especially at one of the movie’s main claims: […]
Guest Post: Prepare Your Devices for Online Learning
By Rachael Bradshaw on December 8, 2020 | Tagged with browser, cloudservices, data security, Digital Security, mobile, online learning, Online Safety, privacy, safety, VPN
Guest Post: Prepare Your Devices for Online Learning By, Lina Kim With courses now transitioned into online learning, new issues can arise regarding network speed, web browsers, security, and storage. This blog will go over how you can avoid some of these issues and ensure your device is in tip-top shape. Please note that this […]
Recourse for Hacked Data – Part 2
By Jason Cheung on April 9, 2019 | Tagged with corporate responsibility, Data, data abuse, Data Protection, data regulation, data security, Hacking, information fiduciary, private data
In this second half, we will look at: Are there adequate legal repercussions for losing customer data to hackers? Ways to assess the strength of a potential information fiduciary before doing business and creating an account Critical perspectives Are there adequate consequences for information fiduciaries if they expose my data? The difficulty in establishing liability […]
Recourse for Hacked Data – Part 1
By Jason Cheung on April 2, 2019 | Tagged with corporate responsibility, Data, data abuse, Data Protection, data regulation, data security, Hacking, information fiduciary, private data
In this two-part blog post, we will look at: What is an ‘information fiduciary’? What you should do when an information fiduciary you trust gets hacked? Are there adequate legal repercussions for losing customer data to hackers? Ways to assess the strength of a potential information fiduciary before doing business and creating an account What […]
Privacy Please! A talk by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
By samantha summers on March 25, 2019 | Tagged with cybersecurity, data security, Digital identity, identity theft, Office of the privacy commissioner, online identity, privacy
Not once have I ever read a privacy policy. This is, of course, shameful to admit, especially for a Digital Tattoo contributor. But between the sheer length of privacy policies and the legalese in which they are often written, time spent reading them usually feels like time wasted. If only there were a cheat sheet […]
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