content creation
What to Consider Before You Start Content Creating
By Ozioma Nwabuikwu on June 24, 2022 | Tagged with content creation, guest blog post, online sharing, Social media, tiktok
Guest Post by Ozioma Nwabuikwu Over 4 billion [1] people around the world are on social media, and almost half of them use TikTok.[2] This is just one example of how rapid advancements in communication technology over the past few decades have increased access to information. With this access comes an increased need for information and that’s where content […]
Guest Blog Post: Bridging the Digital Divide along BC’s Connected Coast
By aaron dishy on June 25, 2018 | Tagged with access, connection, content creation, digital infrastructure, Digital literacy, digital policy, guest blog, internet, internet access
As those living in communities along British Columbia’s rugged coastline know quite well, the internet connection isn’t always great. Up and down speeds and long periods of disconnection have for decades been standard to coastal BC. However, there has finally been some good news: on March 13th 2018, it was announced that many of […]
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