Rachael Bradshaw
Guest Post: A Clear Cookie Jar: Discussing the Increased Autonomy of Our Digital Privacy
By Rachael Bradshaw on June 15, 2021 | Tagged with big data, Bill C-11, Cambridge Analytica, Data, data, data mining, law, laws, online privacy, privacy
A Clear Cookie Jar: Discussing the Increased Autonomy of Our Digital Privacy by Olivia Done We all have privacy agreement fatigue, often accepting all cookies on browsers and skipping new privacy agreement emails. [1] However, recent changes to EU and Canadian digital privacy laws provide us with more user autonomy over data mining [2], terminology […]
Bill C-10: An Urgent Update or a Free Speech Fail?
By Rachael Bradshaw on June 8, 2021 | Tagged with bill C-10, freedom of information, Freedom of Speech, laws, privacy
If you’ve been keeping up with Canadian digital privacy laws (or even if you haven’t), you might have seen posts online about Bill C-10. You know, the angry posts by concerned Canadians about their online freedom of expression? Yep, those are the ones. While Bill C-10 may have originally been born with the good intention […]
Guest Post: Understanding Internet Regulation in Canada
By Rachael Bradshaw on June 1, 2021 | Tagged with data regulation, law, privacy, Regulation, sharing
Understanding Internet Regulation in Canada by Alexander Howes There have been several recent movements in Canada surrounding internet regulation. As nations around the world continue to develop policies that protect their citizens, it is important to be aware of what and who is being protected. In Canada, legislation is currently in the process of being […]
Guest Video: Privacy vs. Anonymity
By Rachael Bradshaw on May 18, 2021 | Tagged with Advertising, anonymity, data, Data, Data Collection, Digital Security, online privacy, privacy, Social media, surveillance
Privacy vs. Anonymity by Misha Khawaja and Ali Albastaki Do you know the difference between online privacy and anonymity? This excellent video by Misha Khawaja and Ali Albastaki from the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information, and Technology, University of Toronto, Mississauga does a great job of explaining the difference! Which is more important to you […]
Guest Post: Social Media and You: What questions about social media haven’t we asked ourselves?
By Rachael Bradshaw on May 4, 2021 | Tagged with Digital identity, facebook, Instagram, Online Safety, sharing, Social media, Twitter
Social Media and You: What questions about social media haven’t we asked ourselves? by Annika Marshall “To capture the world’s moments.” [1] That’s the motto that caught everyone’s attention when Instagram first kicked off in 2010. However, the motto is missing a key detail – “with a filter on top.” Social media was once advertised […]
Guest Post: What is Your Digital Environmental Footprint?
By Rachael Bradshaw on April 20, 2021 | Tagged with Digital identity, environmental impact, Environmentalism, online learning, streaming
What is Your Digital Environmental Footprint? by Sasha Krieger As an environmentally conscious citizen, I make choices to recycle and consume less because I care about the future of the planet. In an effort to combat global warming I vote for certain candidates, limit my driving, and use reusable coffee cups and bags. While environmental […]
Guest Post: What’s in My “Stream”?: Critical Knowledge for the Spotify User
By Rachael Bradshaw on April 7, 2021 | Tagged with algorithms., data, Data Collection, Digital identity, social_network, Spotify
What’s in My “Stream”?: Critical Knowledge for the Spotify User by Sam Davidson With 286 million users, Spotify is the world’s most popular music streaming platform, and there’s a good chance that you use it for your music listening needs [1]. What we don’t often consider when we’re putting in our earbuds is that Spotify […]
Guest Post: Password Managers: How to create and keep track of strong passwords for multiple accounts
By Rachael Bradshaw on March 24, 2021 | Tagged with Digital Security, online privacy, Online Safety, password, privacy, Protect, safety
Password Managers: How to create and keep track of strong passwords for multiple accounts by Dana Svitavsky Passwords are an important part of internet life, and you can’t successfully use the internet without them. This means that it’s important to think about how your passwords are being kept safe. A study from the Pew Research […]
Guest Post: The Many Sides of Being Social
By Rachael Bradshaw on March 10, 2021 | Tagged with digital citizenship, Digital identity, facebook, Instagram, Social media, social_network, surveillance, Twitter
The Many Sides of Being Social by Alannah Berson In 2014, several drag queens found themselves locked out of their Facebook accounts because their names weren’t “authentic”. [1] The accounts had been flagged after Facebook instituted a “Real Name” policy that limits what types of usernames are allowed on the site and seeks to tie […]
Guest Post: Checking our Online Behaviour for Digital Blackface
By Rachael Bradshaw on February 23, 2021 | Tagged with digital citizenship, Digital identity, facebook, Social media, social_network, Twitter
Checking our Online Behaviour for Digital Blackface by Estelle Frank In today’s digital age, we have more tools at our disposal to express ourselves virtually than ever before. From memes to GIFS to emojis to Bitmojis, visual representations of the emotion we may want to convey online is easily done on messaging or social media […]
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