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The Perils of a Digital Student Identity (and How to Cope)
By samantha summers on July 29, 2020 | Tagged with classes, COVID-19, university
Once upon a time, online courses were a novelty. A department might have offered one online course per year, or perhaps a professor might have decided to offer sessions online when they couldn’t be present in-person. In any case, they were rare, and the majority of students at Canadian universities went their whole lives without […]
Why I’m Using More Social Media than Ever
By samantha summers on July 7, 2020 | Tagged with COVID-19, Social media, social presence
Now that quarantine has been going on for over three months, we at Digital Tattoo thought it would be a good idea to look back over the past few weeks and take stock of how quarantine has impacted our digital identities. For me, this has meant increasing my use of social media almost exponentially. Not […]
Digital Detox: How I’m dealing with the information overload
By Eseohe Ojo on July 7, 2020 | Tagged with covid, COVID-19, digital detox, information overload
One of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and having to move to remote work and study is dealing with information overload and increased screen time. On my iPhone alone, I have gone from an average of 3 hours daily in June 2019 to cutting that in half by the end of 2019/beginning of 2020 […]
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