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Welcome to the Digital Tattoo
By bryan short on January 30, 2017 | Tagged with
The Project The Digital Tattoo project is designed to encourage thoughtful engagement with the issues and concerns surrounding the internet, privacy, and online identity. It does this by providing resources—including videos, quizzes, and links—that explore various aspects of digital citizenship. The overall goal is to make you more aware of your options when navigating the […]
Taking Control of your Data
By bryan short on January 5, 2017 | Tagged with Data, Digital Security, Online Safety
In light of my recent exploration of data collection, surveillance, and analysis with UBC’s Learning Management System, Blackboard Connect, I’ve felt empowered to take further control of the data that exists about me online. Below, I’ve identified two of the larger data mining companies, Google and Facebook, and what you can do retrieve, edit, and delete the […]
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