What Type of Social Networking Personality Are You?

If you’re a social networking aficionado like me, you can probably group your friends into categories based on their online behaviour. There’s the political activist. The guy who thinks #Facebook is #Twitter. The animal lover. The diehard sports fan. The foodie. The list goes on and on.

Image Credit: www.mylife.com

Recently, MyLife.com, a website that helps more than 60 million members establish connections and manage their online social identities, conducted a survey of 890 adults and identified common social media behaviours. The study revealed some eyeopening facts about poor social media etiquette, depicting that the majority of online users are guilty of social faux pas that associate them with common online personas. For instance, 88% of young parents (aged 18-35) are likely to post updates and photos of their children at least once a month. Another 25% of surveyed users are guilty of “vaguebooking,” by posting intentionally vague updates to incite others to inquire for more details. The survey’s infographic also reported that one in ten people have actually lost friends due to prolific political posting, illustrating how some chronic online behaviour may result in negative consequences for social media violators.

MyLife CEO, Jeff Tinsely, thinks that social media acts as a hub for common and unpleasant social faux pas due to the unrestricted nature of the channels. He believes that “users need to become more aware of their online behavior, and keep in mind how their self-expression is perceived by their online communities.” His hope is that greater awareness of these bad habits will serve to eventually eradicate them.

Do your friends need a lesson in social media etiquette? Which bad habits flood your news feed the most? 

Discover your social networking persona via MyLife’s Infographic, and check back soon for the second video of our webcast series where we will discuss 5 common online personalities and what they mean to you.

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