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Google Chrome’s “Dear Sophie” vs the Facebook-free baby: can we find a happy medium?

Google Chrome’s “Dear Sophie” vs the Facebook-free baby: can we find a happy medium?

We all know how annoying it is to go onto YouTube to watch a video and have an advertisement load up before watching. I usually will mute the advertisement, or click the “skip to video” button right away when given the option. But for some reason, when this video came up, I hesitated to click […]

How to boost your Twitter profile- findings from a study of higher education scholars

How to boost your Twitter profile- findings from a study of higher education scholars

Despite the appeal of hashtags (they make everything sound/look cool, #truestory,) I initially rejected the idea of Twitter because I saw it as yet another forum for people to publically document every minute of their lives. Talk about an idle waste of my time, #amiright? And yet, a recent study by G. Veletsianos from the […]