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Photo Source: The Prodigal Untitled 13(CC BY-ND 2.0)

Apple wants to protect duplicating you?

The struggle for power over personal data between social networking sites and their users is not a new concern.  By now, most people are aware that the way these free services are able to make money is from taking the personal data we provide them and using it to market targeted products from other internal […]

Callum Haywood Knows What You’re Doing And Now The World Will Too

Callum Haywood Knows What You’re Doing And Now The World Will Too

18 year old Callum Haywood knows what you’re doing and has now shared that with the world in creating “We Know What You’re Doing,” a site that had only just gone live yesterday afternoon and has, according to CNN, already seen 120,000 unique visitors and nearly 5,000 likes on Facebook. The site features four main […]

Photo Source: Donald Lee Pardue (CC BY)

Peeked Interest: Is privacy an outdated concept?

We all know how beautiful the UBC campus can be. Nestled close enough to both the mountains and the water—what’s not to love? Darryl McIvor and Frans Kouwenhoven have however chosen instead to focus on those who occupy our beautiful campus in creating Peeked Interest, an online dating site that has stirred up quite a […]

Roberto Luongo on Twitter? a lesson in social media profiling from the man behind the mask/screen

Roberto Luongo on Twitter? a lesson in social media profiling from the man behind the mask/screen

Many of us who use social media struggle with finding the balance between being both anonymous and authentic online. Some of us are too anonymous; refusing to take ownership for the things we say and do. And yet some of us are too authentic, giving away too much of our regular, everyday lives. It brings […]

Photo Source: USAG-Humphrey's (CC-BY)

From Picture books to Facebook

The Vancouver Sun reports that Facebook is seeking out methods to allow children under 13 to participate in the social network. The article acknowledges that though kids 13 and under are currently prohibited from registered use on the site due to federal law, there is already an estimated 7.5 million Facebook users out of the […]