Online Safety
Guest Post: Are Instagram Stories As Safe As You Think?
By Eseohe Ojo on March 2, 2020 | Tagged with Digital Security, Instagram, Instagram Stories, Online Safety
Guest Post: Are Instagram Stories As Safe As You Think? By Priyaa Sathiyaseelan In the year 2006, Time magazine chose the People of the year to be You – to recognize the millions of people who anonymously contribute user-generated content to Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, and the multitudes of other websites featuring user contribution. Because without […]
Dealing with Online Hate
By Eseohe Ojo on February 7, 2020 | Tagged with Digital Security, online harrassment, online hate, Online Safety
Quotes in the post are from Dylan Marron unless otherwise indicated. Online Hate takes various forms. It ranges from the slightly uncomfortable to the threatening, but it is never any less difficult to deal with. Digital Tattoo was at the 2020 UBC Student Leadership Conference held on January 11, 2020 and had a booth at […]
What Does Gender Have to Do with Digital Identity?
By Eseohe Ojo on June 25, 2019 | Tagged with Digital identity, Digital Security, Gender, Online Safety
How does gender affect our experience of the modern, digital world we live in? Online spaces reflect offline realities with the added consequences of permanence, a wider audience, and increased visibility. We all have our different digital challenges and experiences but gender brings an added layer online just as it does offline. There are various […]
#DeleteFacebook? An Investigation into the Cambridge Analytica Scandal Part 2
By elyse hill on May 10, 2018 | Tagged with Cambridge Analytica, Canada, data, data mining, facebook, Online Safety, personal data, privacy, security, Social media
As we learned in Part 1 of this series, Global Science Research (GSR), Facebook, and Cambridge Analytica have each been the subjects of recent controversy for their respective roles in mining data from over 50 million Facebook profiles. While we can investigate how each company contributed to this event, we must also examine our […]
#DeleteFacebook? An Investigation into the Cambridge Analytica Scandal Part 1
By elyse hill on May 3, 2018 | Tagged with Cambridge Analytica, data, data mining, facebook, Online Safety, personal data, privacy, security, Social media
On March 17, 2018, Cambridge Analytica came under fire and amassed international attention as news broke of the company’s role in harvesting data from over 50 million Facebook profiles [1]. While the unfolding story has outraged many, it has also presented numerous questions: how did this happen? How much trust are we putting in our […]
The Data Detox Challenge
By elyse hill on April 23, 2018 | Tagged with challenge, Data, Digital Security, Online Safety, privacy, Social media
We all know that familiar feeling of having too much clutter; whether it’s in our physical or mental spaces, it can be hard to function efficiently when we’re weighed down by disorder. For this reason, when the Digital Tattoo student team heard about the Data Detox – an 8 day online challenge to […]
Digital Identity Digest (October)
By bryan short on September 29, 2016 | Tagged with Crap Detection, Digital Identity Digest, digital tattoo, Network Smarts, Online Safety, privacy, Protect
US citizens can register to vote within Snapchat application In an appeal to its young audience, the popular and ephemeral video sharing application, Snapchat, is encouraging young people to vote by allowing them to register within the application. The campaign is in partnership with Democracy Works’ TurboVote, and its advertisements will automatically be displayed in Snapchat Stories for […]
Apartment Rental Scam
By bryan short on August 3, 2016 | Tagged with cheating, Crap Detection, Digital literacy, Online Safety
My partner and I have been considering a move into a new rental apartment in Vancouver. The market is really competitive and we end up spending hours searching and not finding anything that meets our needs. So you can imagine our excitement when we finally discovered the perfect apartment at a great price. We emailed the person who had posted […]
By katie wilson on July 6, 2016 | Tagged with digital citizen, Digital identity, Digital literacy, encryption, end-to-end encryption, Online Safety, privacy
Do you use messaging apps like WhatsApp only to notice a new admin message appear in a chat? “Messages you sent to this chat and calls are secured with end-to-end encryption.” While many who use universal messaging apps to keep in touch with family and friends over different devices might be quick to dismiss this […]
Digital Tattoo experiences Twitter hijacking
By Michelle Ghoussoub on June 30, 2014 | Tagged with Hacking, Online Safety, password, security, Twitter
In the age of passwords and countless online accounts, it would appear that even the most informed are at risk! Last week the Digital Tattoo Project fell victim to a Twitter hacking. We first became aware of the issue when we noticed that the Twitter name of the account in question had been changed to the […]
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