Informed Consent
Guest Post: Personalized Personal Lives: Students vs. Filter Bubbles
By Rachael Bradshaw on February 9, 2021 | Tagged with bias, big data, data, Data Collection, google, Informed Consent, Search Engines
Personalized Personal Lives: Students vs. Filter Bubbles by Joe Wright We’ve all likely seen and been told about how Google’s now seamless integration into our lives sometimes results in a blurring of our lines of privacy, but another hidden tactic of Google (and many other platforms) is ‘personalizing’ the information we’re shown to appeal to […]
Canvas Exposed: The little problem with UBC’s big, expensive new tool
By bryan short on August 20, 2018 | Tagged with Canvas, cloud computing, Consent, Contract, data, data residency, Digital Rights, Exposed, FIPPA, Forced Consent, Informed Consent, privacy, privacy policy, terms of use, UBC
The little problem with UBC’s big, expensive new tool Last year, UBC introduced a new learning management system. Canvas by Instructure was rolled out to replace the aging and underperforming Blackboard Connect. When classes begin this September, UBC’s more than 60,000 students will only be using the new Canvas system. Learning management systems are useful […]
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