What is your primary role in the Digital Tattoo project?
Hi! I work with the Digital Tattoo Team to develop, design and maintain the Digital Tattoo website and the resources wiki. I also support the team to make sure that the content is delivered without technical difficulties.
When did you start working with the Digital Tattoo Team (semester/year)?
I joined the Digital Tattoo Team in 2013 as an undergraduate student. After going through multiple job positions, I got back to the project in 2015.
How did you get involved in Digital Tattoo? Why do you believe Digital Tattoo is an important initiative?
I work for Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology at University of British Columbia, as an Educational Resources Developer. My supervisor, Cindy Underhill, co-leads the project. I myself am also interested in digital identity, so I’m glad that I can be part of this project. Digital literacy is a skill that is undervalued but it is a very important skill that can influence your decisions in your life.
What do you hope that readers will get out of Digital Tattoo?
Being conscious of what you do online. There is no right and wrong answer on how to make the right decision online. Just being aware of what you do will help you make the decision that works for you the best.
What is your current professional role?
I provide implementation support to users of UBC’s learning technology ecosystem, including learning management system (LMS/Connect) and open learning technologies (specifically UBC Wiki and WordPress). The focus of this work will be both to support new users/projects/implementations using this framework and existing users involved with the Digital Tattoo, Learning Commons and other large scale resource development projects using UBC’s open publishing framework
What are your hobbies?
I like playing video games, drawing random cartoons, and writing reviews on Yelp.
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