Rachael Bradshaw: Digital Tattoo Project Coordinator

What is your primary role in the Digital Tattoo project?

My primary role is the Project Coordinator. In this role, I create content, such as blog posts and educational resources, do social media outreach, and coordinate and promote Digital Tattoo’s projects.

When did you start working with the Digital Tattoo team?

I started working with the team in September 2020.

How did you get involved in Digital Tattoo?

I became aware of the Digital Tattoo Project through one of my Library Science courses, and luckily enough, there was an open position! I have a background in education, so I leapt at the chance to work for a project that is so student-centered.

Why do you believe Digital Tattoo is an important initiative?

Many of us have lived our whole lives on the internet, and yet, we lack a full understanding of topics like data privacy and digital security. I think that Digital Tattoo is a great way to give young people a chance to learn through dialogue, form their own opinions about digital identity, and take agency in their digital lives.

I also think it is important that Digital Tattoo is a student-led initiative. We are working with students and for students to make content that is relevant and up to date for student needs.

What do you hope that readers will get out of Digital Tattoo?

I hope that our readers will become more conscientious internet users. Ultimately, how you shape your online identity is up to you, but I hope that Digital Tattoo can help students to make informed decisions when it comes to their online lives.

What’s one thing you can’t recommend enough?

Don’t be afraid to try new things! You don’t have to be the best at something to get a lot out of it. I’ve made learned a lot and made some of my best friends though hobbies that I was not necessarily good at.

How many languages do you speak?

I speak English and Spanish confidently, and French and Japanese very poorly.

What is your favourite way to relax?

For me, nothing beats a good book and a cup of tea, but I also love playing video games, playing the piano, and caring for my plants.