margaux smith
Surveillance Studies, A Reader’s Advisory
By margaux smith on April 23, 2018 | Tagged with book review, surveillance studies
Written by: Sina Lack Edited by: Margaux Smith Surveillance infrastructure is increasingly being built into our environment and is becoming unavoidable part of our social, work and scholarly lives. Toronto’s Transit Commission is transferring over from a token and metro pass system, to one called “Presto” which allows for unprecedented collection of […]
Artist Series Three: Pattern Recognition, Interview with Martin Zeilinger
By margaux smith on December 1, 2017 | Tagged with
This summer I came across an exhibition at InterAccess Toronto, titled Pattern Recognition featuring the works of five artists based in the UK, Canada, Italy and the US, who used emerging technologies to engage with pressing digital issues. These included: the commodification of cyberspace, pervasive surveillance, artificial intelligence, and automation. I was curious to see what questions […]
The Artist Series Two: iSquare Protocol
By margaux smith on August 30, 2017 | Tagged with
Artist Series Two: iSquare Protocol, What is Information? An interview with Jenna Hartel @ the iSchool, University of Toronto This past spring, an exhibition called REWIRED: ART X BISSEL opened within the iSchool’s Bissel building which stems of the main Robarts building. The exhibition features the work of artists whose work focuses on the intersections between […]
The Ethics of Algorithms
By margaux smith on August 23, 2017 | Tagged with Data
When we interact with technology, we tend to assume that our tools are neutral, unbiased machines. How can an algorithm, a mathematical sequence, be discriminatory? Those responsible for coding our online spaces, writing the algorithms that mediate our digital lives spaces necessarily, whether knowingly or unknowingly embed their worldviews and biases into our online […]
The Artist Project 1: VPN to IRL
By margaux smith on June 8, 2017 | Tagged with
Artist Series One: VPN to IRl @ XPACE Cultural Center As boundaries between our digital lives and our “real lives” are becoming increasingly blurred, artists are responding in playful, critical and innovative ways. Digital Tattoo decided to connect with some of these artists within our communities to have conversations and look into what new metaphors are […]
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