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Guest Post: Checking our Online Behaviour for Digital Blackface
By Rachael Bradshaw on February 23, 2021 | Tagged with digital citizenship, Digital identity, facebook, Social media, social_network, Twitter
Checking our Online Behaviour for Digital Blackface by Estelle Frank In today’s digital age, we have more tools at our disposal to express ourselves virtually than ever before. From memes to GIFS to emojis to Bitmojis, visual representations of the emotion we may want to convey online is easily done on messaging or social media […]
Guest Post: Personalized Personal Lives: Students vs. Filter Bubbles
By Rachael Bradshaw on February 9, 2021 | Tagged with bias, big data, data, Data Collection, google, Informed Consent, Search Engines
Personalized Personal Lives: Students vs. Filter Bubbles by Joe Wright We’ve all likely seen and been told about how Google’s now seamless integration into our lives sometimes results in a blurring of our lines of privacy, but another hidden tactic of Google (and many other platforms) is ‘personalizing’ the information we’re shown to appeal to […]
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