In the News: WinRAR Users Threatened By Security Flaw
According to a report by ZDNet [1], WinRAR, a popular Windows software for file compression and decompression, is at risk of a security flaw unless updated. Researchers at Check Point Software Technologies [2], a cybersecurity company, discovered a vulnerability in the .ACE file format of compressed files. WinRAR is well known for offering its software […]
In the News: Indian government proposes strict internet censorship laws
The Indian government has recently announced a proposal for a strict form of internet censorship that many have noted to be comparable to the regulations practiced in China. Within these new rules, any online content that Indian officials deem to be “unlawful” will be removed [1]. However, definitions of what can be considered unlawful content […]
In the News: Reverse Location Search Warrant Leads Investigators to Google Location Users
Law enforcement agencies in Minnesota have been using reverse location search warrants to find the identities of smartphone owners that were at a crime scene. They accomplish this by issuing a warrant for Google to send the identity, billing and contact information, and web browsing history of all smartphones that reported that their Google Location […]
In the News: YouTube updates algorithm to make extremist content harder to find
Recently, YouTube has been frequently criticized for leading viewers to content promoting disinformation, conspiracy theories, and radical thought through the site’s ‘Recommended for you’ and ‘Up next’ features, which suggest videos for users to watch. As reported by The Wall Street Journal in February 2018, YouTube’s algorithm for recommendations is responsible for more than 70% […]
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