New year, new you. Given that such a large portion of our lives are now led online, it only makes sense to make some New Year’s resolutions for your digital self. Here are 10 suggestions from the Digital Tattoo team for a fun and productive 2015:
1. Google yourself. Review what shows up in your Google search results. What digital footsteps have you left behind? Are you the only person contributing to your digital tattoo? If you have public social media accounts that you don’t use, consider de-activating or cleaning them up. Keep your digital tattoo concise, professional and true to yourself.
2. Put your best foot forward online. In 2014, 93% of recruiters used social media to evaluate job candidates. And a whopping 55% said that they had reconsidered job candidates after viewing their online profiles! Remember that search results can uproot old comments and photos without context, and always keep this in mind before posting.
3. Manage your digital diet. Our feeds often get bogged down with information that we find useless, uninteresting, and even annoying. Unfollow Twitter and Instagram accounts that clog up your feeds with spam. Facebook has now given you the option to tailor your newsfeed by “hiding” posts from over-sharing friends without them knowing. Look for interesting and informative blogs to follow. This will make your time online not only more efficient, but much more enjoyable.
4. Review your application settings. Go into your phone settings and check what applications you have granted access to your location data and contacts. You may be surprised by what you find! Always be aware of what you are sharing, and with whom.
5. Get some shut-eye! Having trouble sleeping? Your phone may be to blame. Multiple studies have shown that the blue light emitted by electronics prevents the release of melatonin, a hormone associated with nighttime. Using your computer or phone right before bedtime may delay your sleep by up to an hour! Avoid using technology right before bed, and use an old-fashioned alarm clock rather than your phone to prevent your sleep from being disrupted by notifications.
6. Build an online portfolio. Create a LinkedIn account to showcase your work experience and start building a professional network. If you are a writer, artist, or freelancer of any kind, start a blog to demonstrate your experience.
7. Stop falling for clickbait! The Internet is full of articles and listicles promising to be mind-blowing, epic, and life-altering. But oftentimes these headlines are both misleading and disappointing. Learn to recognize clickbait before you click!
8. Resolve to be authentic online. Many people spend so much time curating their online lives that a new term has arisen to describe the phenomena – “Instagram envy.” Remember that online representations of individual’s lives are often a one-sided version of a fuller picture. Studies have shown that people who interact with their friends on Facebook by commenting and messaging are less prone to being depressed than those who “lurk” by simply passively viewing other profiles. So be active and have fun!
9. Educate yourself on digital citizenship and digital rights. Keep following this site for updates on news surrounding privacy. From the “right to be forgotten” to new legislation protecting victims of revenge porn, digital rights are constantly changing. Be educated and be aware.
10. Look up from your phone. The online world is fast and fun. But remember to look up from your screen and enjoy the people around you. Best wishes from the Digital Tattoo team for 2015!
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