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Digital Tattoo experiences Twitter hijacking
By Michelle Ghoussoub on June 30, 2014 | Tagged with Hacking, Online Safety, password, security, Twitter
In the age of passwords and countless online accounts, it would appear that even the most informed are at risk! Last week the Digital Tattoo Project fell victim to a Twitter hacking. We first became aware of the issue when we noticed that the Twitter name of the account in question had been changed to the […]
Hashing out the hashtag
By Michelle Ghoussoub on June 4, 2014 | Tagged with #BringBackOurGirls, #YesAllWomen, Hashtag, Social media
Following a horrific shooting in Santa Barbara, that left seven students dead and over a dozen injured, news of the massacre spread on social media like wildfire. In the days that followed, it was uncovered that the shooter had a YouTube channel dedicated to promoting misogynistic ideas, and had left a deep Internet archive documenting […]
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