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Jelly: The “Point, Shoot, Ask” Search Engine
By Marga Heras on March 31, 2014 | Tagged with
Picture this: you’re walking downtown and you notice a camera crew and film trucks parked across the street. Curious, you fire up your Jelly app. You snap a picture of the scene, drop a pin of your location, and ask, “What’s filming here today?” Within minutes, 2 friends within your social network answer and let you […]
Double Doxxing
By Kathleen Kalk on March 6, 2014 | Tagged with
Today Newsweek magazine released a story which uncovered the identity of the creator of Bitcoin. The elusive Satoshi Nakamoto has been uncovered as a 61 year old Japanese-American man named Satoshi Nakamoto. His identity had been a closely guarded secret for the last five years until freelance reporter Leah McGrath Goodman tacked him down. Goodman used all her skills as a journalist to uncover the identity of the recluse inventor. She searched public […]
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