For all those arguing for an Internet free of copyright and a utopia of knowledge, think how you would feel if one of your bright ideas was turned into billions of dollars and you didn’t receive a penny. That’s how the Winklevoss brothers, Cameron and Tyler, use to feel but not for much longer.
The Guardian has reported that the case these former Facebook compatriots brought against billionaire Mark Zetterberg is nearly over – with an alleged settlement in the sixty million dollar range. Not bad, but they could have had nothing had they not been able to prove that Zetterberg’s Facebook was partly their creation. Check out the publish section of Digital Tattoo to see how you can share your work and keep it protected online. And if the FB case is not enough to reconsider giving it all away in a copyright free web, consider that the fastest growing class of billionaire’s in the world is the Internet technology club.
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